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Its all done

This is just wonderful.

Fifteen days left until Christmas, and I am all done with my shopping.

All I have to do now is wrap some packages, and everything will be complete.

Just have a few things to arrive, and I will feel much better. But at least I can say, Yippee … No more hassle.

The crowds out their are awful; and the last couple of weeks is when everyone is trying to get the best sales. It can be a real madhouse. Thank goodness for local stores, and the internet, for superstores! They are fabulous.

Next step on my agenda is to start writing cards to my friends. I haven’t written cards in ages. Lets see, should I start off Merry Christmas, or Happy Holidays.

It will always be Merry Christmas for me. When Christ was born. If people don’t like it, to bad! They just won’t get a card next year…

I don’t know what all of this hassle is about the phrase, ‘Merry Christmas’ is anyway. What idiot would be offended by that. It has been around for all of my life; and at least in my family it will be around until the day I die. Plain and simple.

Oh well, enough of that.

Must go into the other room and dance for joy, that I have no more shopping to do!

Hmmmm, now what did I do with those cards…

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